Links of London
Infinite Love戒指
An elegantly crafted infinity symbol is intertwined with a heart in the romantic Infinite Love ring from Links of London. A beautiful and thoughtful gesture for a loved one, this sleek design has been crafted from sterling silver to form a contemporary double-band silhouette.
Harrods 报价¥ 662 |
关于 Links of London 品牌
Links of London 于 1990 年成立。自 1990 年创立以来,品牌富想象力的设计,无与伦比的精湛工艺和上乘的用料,皆完美地体现在每件精品中,使之成为历久弥新的经典之作。这个品牌集伦敦的智慧、灵魂与精髓于一身。作为其中一个最令人梦寐以求的首饰品牌,Links of London不断推出...
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