Monica Vinader
Siren Blue Lace Agate Stacking戒指
The irregular shapes of Monica Vinader's Siren collection, featuring ethically-sourced gemstones placed in simple settings, provide a modern backdrop for your jewellery collection. Crafted in sterling silver, the Siren stacking ring features a blue lace agate stone inspired by sea-worn treasures found on the beaches of southern Italy.
Harrods 报价¥ 580 |
关于 Monica Vinader 品牌
Monica Vinader 以作品的日常百搭性缩小了时尚与高级珠宝之间的距离,再也无需等待重大场合才能佩戴。精湛工艺是品牌的核心,Monica对细节的追求亦融入了每一系列之中。不妨混搭或叠戴手工切割的宝石、道德来源的钻石以及手工编织的友谊手绳,来打造专属于你的个性造型。
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