Thomas Sabo

Thomas Sabo Gold Plated Sterling Silver Enamel And Glass Ceramic Stones Amulet坠饰

Magic Aztec Amulet crafted in 18k gold plated 925 sterling silver the colors of the jungle interact with the Aztec sunstone design creating a mysterious aura to any occasion. Featuring filigree graphic with multi colored enamel detail simulated malachite center stone and glass stone embellishments. Chain not included. Tropical collection. Finish: Polished Shape: Rectangular; Size and fitting; W width: 4.40cm x H x D cmhandle height: 5.50cm


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490   约合 ¥ 3756 网站声明与提示:①单品价格一般取自当日电商报价,实时价格请访问电商网站查看;②汇率数据取自当日银行网站钞卖价,实际购汇价格可略有差异。因数据采集、生成过程所导致的价格时滞,本站不承担告知义务,请使用者知悉。

关于 Thomas Sabo 品牌

德国的时尚银饰品牌,创建于 1984 年,作为一名时尚银饰爱好者,Thomas Sabo 先生自力更生,创立了自己的首饰公司,总部设在巴伐利亚的历史名镇 Lauf an der Pegnitz,致力于创作独特风格的高质量纯银首饰。



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