Thom Browne
Occasionally inspired by the sportive lifestyle, Browne incorporates it in his impeccable craftsmanship. This white bomber jacket is crafted from a white athletic mesh and features classic details such as a ribbed collar, a front zip fastening, long sleeves, elasticated cuffs. Punctuated by a unique storm flap which runs across the front of the body and a tricolour stripe running down the back, this light jacket encapsulates the elegance of Thom Browne's designs.
Farfetch 报价
¥ 12880
这件单品归属于 Thom Browne 品牌的夹克类目。
我们统计了 Thom Browne 品牌的夹克类目下的 325 件单品,最新的市场均价约为人民币 14932 元。
这件单品目前电商报价低于品牌类目均价 13 %。
注意:因上述均价计算包含了 Thom Browne 品牌夹克类目下的不同单品,单品系列、爆款、折扣情况等都会对单品市场价及均价产生影响,因此上述统计仅供参考,不一定适合所有情况。
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