Beau Souci

Lobster Stripe针织套衫

This black, white and red Beau Souci Lobster stripe jumper is not the first time you went out on a date with lobster all over your jumper (and we would also like to add that it will not be your last) and this one looks much more well done, as Lord Byron said, "A woman should never be seen eating or drinking unless it be lobster salad and Champagne, the only feminine and true viands." Created with a knitted construction, this style features a round neck, long sleeves, horizontal stripes, an oversized fit, designer logo on the arm and lobster intarsia motif on the front. You will see us wearing our Beau Souci Lobster stripe jumper on a date in Mayfair.


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关于 Beau Souci 品牌

Beau Souci 长期以来一直致力于在服饰中加入充沛的激情和皮革与皮毛领域的技术创新,受到巴黎和洛杉矶的双重影响,从而在冷热和精炼之间完美平衡。



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