Atp Atelier

Brown Allai Cutout Leather凉鞋

These brown ATP Atelier Allai cutout leather sandals are handmade in our second home (Tuscany) from vegetable-tanned skins. Designed so that they will soften and age with a gorgeous patina, these slip-on shoes feature a twisted front, an open toe, and a slight heel. It feels like only yesterday when we watched Under the Tuscan Sun and decided to buy a villa out there – which reminds us, we should probably go visit and wear these ATP Atelier shoes around the grounds.


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关于 Atp Atelier 品牌

ATP (All Tomorrow’s Parties) 将精湛的手工技艺、斯堪的纳维亚的当代设计精神和巴黎人的态度在品牌自身完美结合。专注于“都市凉鞋”的概念,ATP Atelier 每一处极简主义的设计都是通过意大利手工制作,并用顶级舒适的植物鞣皮革来演绎。意大利普利亚大区奥特朗托市缓慢宁静的生活...



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