3.1 Phillip Lim

Eva Watch Strap凉鞋

3.1 Phillip Lim continues to push forward with their pioneering footwear collections that are always masterfully crafted with elegance and refinement. For their latest one, the brand has created beautifully designed fashion-forward that celebrate the sophisticated charm and sense of ease they always bring to your wardrobe. These white leather and metal Eva watch-strap sandals from 3.1 Phillip Lim feature an open toe, a branded insole, a platform sole and metal links at the front to recreate watch bracelets.


电商缩略图 Farfetch 报价

¥ 1770 3846  

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关于 3.1 Phillip Lim 品牌

3.1 Phillip Lim 是华裔美籍设计师林能平(Phillip Lim)于 2005 年创立的品牌,是众多新兴时尚品牌中的成功典范。林能平(Phillip Lim)是继周仰杰(Jimmy Choo)、王薇薇(Vera Wang)等之后又一位红遍欧美的华裔设计师。



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