Building Block
Black Leather水桶包
This black Building Block leather bucket bag features a shoulder strap and a small circle zip pouch. "My bag always weighs a ton," reveals the actor Felicity Jones. "I carry my whole bathroom with me. You never know what's going to happen in a day!" So true, so true. Speaking for ourselves, we never know if we're going to end up on a private jet or on a superyacht en route to Monaco, so it's best to be prepared. We carry spare knickers in this Building Block accessory, and wear Beaufille , Re/Done , and Laurence Dacade to cover all eventualities.
Browns 报价¥ 4650 |
关于 Building Block 品牌
“求精取粹,简而不凡”是洛杉矶设计工作室 Building Block 的哲学理念。创始人 Kimberly Wu 和 Nancy Wu 姐妹以经典极简的设计,为“奢华皮革包袋”设定全新标准。
这件单品归属于 Building Block 品牌的单肩与斜挎包类目。
我们统计了 Building Block 品牌的单肩与斜挎包类目下的 65 件单品,最新的市场均价约为人民币 3645 元。
这件单品目前电商报价高于品牌类目均价 27 %。
注意:因上述均价计算包含了 Building Block 品牌单肩与斜挎包类目下的不同单品,单品系列、爆款、折扣情况等都会对单品市场价及均价产生影响,因此上述统计仅供参考,不一定适合所有情况。
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