Brown Woven皮革basket手提包

This brown Loewe Woven leather basket bag has been handcrafted with leather, features dual top handles, a woven construction, logo embossed on the front, an open top and detachable shoulder strap. This handbag has reached the level of wanted in most home counties, because it is a key accessory involved in recent uncontrollable mass spending sprees, as Cat Deeley says on the psychological desire to shop again, "I don't shop because I need something, I just shop for shopping's sake." Wear your Loewe Woven leather basket bag when shopping along South Molton Street.

关于 LOEWE 品牌

创立于1846年的奢华皮具品牌 LOEWE 罗意威,创新、现代、历久弥新的工艺以及对于皮革的卓越理解一直都是品牌的核心价值。如今,全新手袋、时尚配饰、小皮件、成衣及丝巾系列在创意总监 Jonathan Anderson 的带领下得到重新演绎,将现代时尚与文化意识完美融入其中。



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