Robert Clergerie

Embossed Combat Boots

These black Robert Clergerie embossed combat boots may not be tequila, but they are definitely worth a shot. After all, much like our golden liquid friend, the pair will keep you warm and cosy, will support you when you are down, will make you feel confident on the dancefloor and last but not least, will ensure you are happy even when you are all alone. Fashioned from sleek black leather, the ankle-high shoes feature a rear pull tab, a small stacked heel, a lace-up front fastening and a rounded toe. Finished with a luxurious alligator-effect embossed pattern, these Robert Clergerie boots will do all the walking so long as you let tequila do the talking.


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关于 Robert Clergerie 品牌

法国鞋履品牌 Robert Clergerie 目前由设计师 Roland Mouret 掌舵。设计师善于将阳刚元素融入女鞋设计中,从粗跟凉鞋到富有中性美感的绅士鞋,在经典时尚穿搭里创造出巧妙、个性的女性风尚。



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