Rosetta Getty
X Ecco Shearling木底鞋
Ever been in a rush to get ready? When you haven't got enough time before the shops close, slip into these peach pink leather shearling clogs from a collaborative effort between Rosetta Getty and Ecco that has a simple construction and ridged rubber sole that will keep you steady on rougher terrains. Featuring a round toe, a branded insole and a slip-on style.
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¥ 2270
关于 Rosetta Getty 品牌
Rosetta Getty 从 14 岁开始就开始在时尚圈中工作,居住在纽约、巴黎和米兰这种是极具服装时尚的国度里,其设计风格简洁摩登,其配色优雅怡人并且百搭,剪裁廓形柔和清新。全部产品均采用顶级日本斜纹布、弹力卡迪和棉质府绸面料。她擅长打造上下装单品,是那些希望自己的服饰可以轻松从日间过渡到晚间的女...
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