David Yurman
gemstone cufflinks
Your shirts will never look the same again. Crafted from sterling silver and onyx, these gemstone cufflinks from DAVID YURMAN are here to take your shirt to another level. Baby, baby let me upgrade you! Featuring onyx embellishment.
Farfetch 报价¥ 3665 |
关于 David Yurman 品牌
1979年,David Yurman 和 Sybil Yurman 夫妇创立了大卫·雅曼 (David Yurman)。David Yurman是一位雕塑家,而Sybi Yurman则是一位画家,他们都是当时著名的珠宝首饰设计师。他们施展天赋的艺术天份,推出绳状首饰。绳状首饰系列将美艺珠宝和时装服装融...
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