Checked High短袜
These purple and multi-coloured Versace are made from a stretch viscose blend fabric and feature a diamond check design with contrast yellow and black design and a high ankle ribbed cuff. These are essential for any ensemble, darls. For we have a long-standing philosophy here at Browns: you wouldn't buy a car with monogramming the seats – and equally would not go without a pair of designer socks to complete your outfit.
Browns 报价
¥ 424
关于 Versace 品牌
创立于 1978 年的意大利,品牌标志是神话中的蛇妖美杜莎(Medusa),代表着致命的吸引力。早期,大胆的花纹运用和反差极端的颜色搭配造就 Gianni Versace 空前绝后的设计风格;今日,品牌仍因妹妹 Donatella 巧夺天工的裁缝手工及擅长的华美晚装在时尚圈占有一席之位。Versace...
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