Sophie Hulme
T Rex钥匙链
This gold-tone Sophie Hulme T-Rex keychain will be the perfect little addition to your Albion box bag. Guaranteed to guard your belongings, the head-turning piece has been crafted from yellow gold-toned brass, boasting a 3D dinosaur-shaped charm with a key ring and easy spring ring fastening. Clip your quirky Sophie Hulme accessory onto anything from your new handbag to the keys of your luxury villa in France for a roaring new-season style.
Browns 报价
¥ 126
关于 Sophie Hulme 品牌
这是个由英国年轻设计师 Sophie Hulme 以自己名字命名的品牌,2007 年,Hulme 带着年度最佳学生奖和最佳系列奖从伦敦金斯顿学院毕业,随后她创立了同名品牌,重新关注配饰。品牌设计具有利落的剪裁和硬挺的造型感。Sophie Hulme 现居住于伦敦一家整修过的玩具工厂内,她痴迷于收藏各种...
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