Ted Baker

Nayylee Tranquility运动装

Ted Baker presents pretty painted florals on a crisp white backdrop with the Nayylee Tranquility playsuit. Displaying the designer's eye for modern design, the feminine silhouette sees a dress-style overlay that works to create a the illusion of a mini dress, while internal shorts showcase deep side splits that elevate the look and frame a pair of barely-there sandals.


电商缩略图 Harrods 报价

¥ 907  

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关于 Ted Baker 品牌

1988年,衬衫专家 Ted Baker 在伦敦创办同名时尚品牌。如今,其产品更趋丰富,涵盖男装、女装、香氛、腕表、行李箱等众多领域,为生命中的每一处细节带来狂放不羁的色彩。



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