X Browns Green Embroidered Logo棒球帽
Exclusive This green Off-White X Browns Embroidered logo cap has been expertly designed in Italy, crafted from cotton, features a wide brim, the logo embroidered in white on the front and adjustable back fastening. Shakespeare once proclaimed that gentlemen's affections are as fickle as the trends they wear, "he wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat," (which is true, as you are planning to purchase it in every colour, for each of your different dates this week). Wear your Off-White X Browns Embroidered logo cap to a casual brunch off the Brompton Road.
Browns 报价
¥ 734
关于 Off-White 品牌
美国设计师 Virgil Abloh 以年轻世代的流行文化为号召,一手创立奢华街头潮牌 Off-White™。这位设计金童亦是美国嘻哈歌手 Kanye West 自创品牌的创意总监,一举一动皆受到时装界高度瞩目。个人品牌在 2014 年推出之际,即在香港设立旗舰店,隔年又于巴黎举办时装发布会,并荣获 ...
这件单品归属于 Off-White 品牌的帽子类目。
我们统计了 Off-White 品牌的帽子类目下的 106 件单品,最新的市场均价约为人民币 1286 元。
这件单品目前电商报价低于品牌类目均价 42 %。
注意:因上述均价计算包含了 Off-White 品牌帽子类目下的不同单品,单品系列、爆款、折扣情况等都会对单品市场价及均价产生影响,因此上述统计仅供参考,不一定适合所有情况。
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